I love October. I love it when the weather gets cooler (not that it always does) and the leaves change color. I love fall. I love sharing this with the kids.
Right now, however, the entire month is taken up by, this is what we're doing if baby is here and this is what we're doing if she's not here yet and this is what we're doing if we're in labor that day... well, I also have to remember that I'm in and out of labor til it actually happens for real. Like yesterday.
So, fun and crazy times. Benjamin just finished his Arrow of Light (he turns 11 on Sunday). The pack meeting in October will involve a crossing over ceremony and a special Arrow of Light recognition. Hopefully we can help some other boys finish up, too. He will also start Boy Scouts with the 11 year old troop in our ward, which now consists of... him. And one other boy, but he's just starting too so that will be fun for both of them.
Michael is just himself, going to be a teenager in a month, and busy with Scouts, Young Men's, reading, learning new games and figuring out new stuff, just all that stuff that Michael is always into. I think we're going to be starting working on typing and computer programming.
Emilie is well into her ballet class but not a whole lot new. Nathanael and Samuel use most of their days being creative with blocks and writing and drawing.
Timothy is learning new words each day and using them when he feels like it. Otherwise it's same old grunting and pointing. Christopher is trying new words, trying to give up his much needed nap, starting the Nursery class at church (he was 18 months on Sunday) and at this moment protesting the molar that is coming in painfully.
Baby girl is stretching, complaining about the lack of space, and getting ready to come. She does not like Mom's skeletal structure getting in the way of her movement and lets me know frequently. Honestly, with the frequency and level of contractions, she could be born at any time, but I've said that before, haven't I... with most of my other babies haha! It's just a waiting game at this point, though the dr has promised that even with the due date not changing she will not stop labor once it starts. Thank goodness, because baby is big for dates and I am getting more uncomfortable by the minute. If I'd known this with my first (Michael was born at 36 weeks) I'd have opted to skip the last month with every pregnancy! He came early enough that I wasn't complaining yet lol. He took us by surprise! Noone ever warns you about the last month.
October is full of doctor appointments and other appointments and our church's General Conference, a baby shower (so fun!), Halloween and school stuff, at least Tom isn't travelling this month. Cub scouts over, Boy Scout meetings, a hike for Michael, dance for Emilie, birthday for Benjamin, birthday for Liberty (we think!), Primary Program prep (another one that I'm not in charge of, yay), Relief Society meetings and teaching, friends moving out of the country...
Life is good, and life continues to get more and more interesting and busy all the time!
Have a good month, everyone, and I'll be posting pictures soon... of kids, and hopefully of baby :)