Happy Birthday to our Liberty! We went to the zoo for her special day. It was a blast! The zoo is usually very quiet on colder days in the fall and winter. Especially weekdays... so we got to be up close to most of the exhibits.
This little guy decided to come and get a closer look at the birthday girl during a keeper chat. He kept coming back, looking at Liberty, and then waddling off.
I can't believe Liberty is 5 years old! She was born in Amarillo, Texas, on a Wednesday night. She came very quickly into our lives and has been sassing us every since. Really, she is a sweetheart. She learned to read within days of turning 4 years old, and her brothers are racing to keep ahead of her academically. She loves princesses and Superman, hearts and flowers and butterflies and climbing and dirt.
Emilie loves having a sister, and still does even though now she has 3!
We are thankful for all our princesses.