Today I am thankful for pets. We've had a few... growing up we had a cat, named Katie. My dad is really allergic to cats so now that my allergies are worse I really understand better what he went through letting us have that cat and her kittens. I loved her. She died when I was in college.
Moving around the country we had many fish. Sometimes it was just Michael, sometimes everyone had their own. Some of them even survived our power outages and freezing temperatures. Eventually they all passed away before we moved to Missouri.
We've had Kenny the Kenyan Sand boa (snake) since February of 2006. Our kids have learned a LOT about snakes from him. They have learned about reptiles, carnivores, hibernation, mice, and the food chain. Even Christopher talks about Kenny having to eat the mouse. He is right now going into a dormant cold weather mode. We cleaned out his tank yesterday and I was holding him... even with the heat lamp he was pretty cool to the touch.
Benjamin got Cedric the dwarf hamster for his birthday this year. I think he's the most fun of all the pets we have. He has a ball he runs around the house (and sometimes out of the house with Benjamin and his neighbor friend) in, and everyone likes to hold him. He runs around his wheel for hours, and yesterday we gave him a baby carrot which was highly entertaining to everyone. Liberty loves the little furball that runs...
We love the animals in our lives, neighbors' pets, someone to love and take care of and be responsible for. They love Grandma and Granddad's dog (and Ariana and Amanda too) Chomper, where we stayed for 2 months this summer, as well as their cat, and Aunt Sherri and Uncle Richard's dog Charlie. Aunt Monica and Uncle Jeremy have a dog and a bunny they loved when we visited in April. And many, many more pets of friends and family.
Nathanael wants a bunny someday (dad says no) and I think we'll be getting fish again. Maybe a hermit crab or two.
Not only do these provide excellent learning opportunities but they also are part of the family. Even fish.
I'm thankful for pets.