Monday, April 26, 2010

Timothy and the scriptures

I noticed in our family scripture study that instead of his normal activity (speaking a twin like language with Christopher and running around singing) Timothy has been sitting in one place.

I didn't think anything of it until noticing last Thursday that when the person next to him finished a verse, he started speaking and turning pages in his board book, even though the next person started reading the next verse. So Friday we helped Timothy read a verse, and continued Saturday and Sunday and I think he will continue to help us read every night.

My little boy is growing up! It was so long before he started talking I guess I forgot that we asked the older kids if they wanted to read. Samuel said no for a long time and then was completely reading on his own when he was barely 4 years old. Timothy is nearly 3 and a half and we didn't even ask him to read with us.

He finally invited himself.

Go Timothy!

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