Friday, April 22, 2011

April 22nd 365 challenge

I love looking into my children's eyes... this is Liberty.  She'll be 18 months in a few weeks.  She knows her name, her family's names or what they go by, where her eyes, nose, ears, tongue, hair, belly and feet are and can give you five or a fist bump.  She will talk your ear off but you may not understand the words.  She likes milk, her baby doll and GloWorm, dancing and singing and playing, and when I look into her eyes I am reminded of the precious responsibility I have been given to raise her and teach her. 


  1. Oh my goodness! She is growing up!

    I think these younger family members that have so very many family names to learn are so remarkable! What good memories they have!

  2. It's not so much she can say their names as she points to the right family member when asked (or goes and finds them.)
