Happy 7th birthday to our Christopher! He almost was born on Nathanael's birthday, but he was born on his cousin Jacob's birthday instead.
This is our never ending energy kid. He can go from early in the morning to late at night. Bedtime is still a struggle for him. He has fun doing anything. He loves running, jumping, climbing, Superman anything, flying, going fast, and doing things with his family. As long as they're fun. To him.
You can almost see him growing. He loves Legos, Superman, reading new things, Superman, Life of Fred math, Superman, superheroes, and meat.
This was the kid that would start running back and forth across the nursery room (it was in the end of the cultural hall at the time) and get everyone else following him. (sigh).
Can't wait to see where he goes from here!
He looks forward to this coming year when he can be baptized, but we will enjoy every minute until then as well!