Halloween! As fun and cute as you make it!
Though this pizza sure turns out a little more disturbing than the advertising... (Jack O Lantern Papa Murphy's pizza). We are so very thankful for the friends who brought over dinner for our family!
It was delicious.
We have our candy ready to pass out. (advertising tastes so good.)
We found a fun new ghostie for our yard. Doesn't he fit in well?
Liberty was a pumpkin. Yes, her hair is green. And Emilie did her face.
Juliana is a cow and she was really really really excited about telling me she was going to moo.
Christopher was Captain America. Awesome. Emilie did his face, too.
Ginny was a happy cow. I think she was just thrilled about being outside. We've been sick lately so we haven't gotten out much.
Timothy is a Sith (Star Wars). This kid can really get into his roles. Acting? Maybe.
Happy Cow! (I think I said that already.)
Samuel is a Jack O Lantern. The pumpkin costume really is round, he's just skinny.
And yes, his hair is bright green.
Emilie. Little Red Riding Hood. And she is looking good. And CUTE. She's not old enough to be gorgeous.
The happy cow again, looking for fresh grass.
Nathanael, I mean, Santa Claus, is here early this year.
Here's my whole group of trick or treaters... (and Tom took them, I stayed behind to pass out candy)
(and Michael and Benjamin are working at the World of Fun Haunt.)
One parting note...
Emilie came in early with the little girls.
She said, "I trick or treated til the cows came home!"
rim shot.