Now, this doesn't mean what you think. Sure, the schools were closed. And Seminary. And even Tom went to work late after all the accidents were cleared. Or at least mostly cleared. He also had trouble getting home... there are hills leading into our street and our van with its rear wheel drive and large mass just couldn't quite make it up the last few feet of incline...
But I digress... snow day for this homeschool family meant they had to finish their schoolwork and chores BEFORE playing in the snow. Cruel and unusual you say? It just meant we finished several hours earlier than usual. Genius. Bring on some more snow!
Then we called it Physical Education, Science (physics and engineering plus weather), and math, kind of, as we watched the temperature drop. It was a good day. Now that the temperature has dropped another 25-30 degrees we can't play outside again until it warms up a little or the wind stops. Enjoy the pictures though!
Looks like your son was much more productive than mine. But they look like they all had a blast! I love little Liberty all dressed up too! (Tell Emilie to remind me this Sunday to pass out the bookmarks and that I apologize sincerely about last weeks craziness of not getting them handed out.)