Today, we made sock puppets. I'm not always a "yes" mom but I do try to be. I feel like I say no to everything. With Juliana being so sick we were watching a few Blue's Clues episodes to keep her distracted. Well, "Steve" makes a very silly sock puppet early in the show and he makes a few appearances in other episodes.
We had everything we needed. I sewed on button eyes. Emilie had extra socks. Emilie made yarn hair. Nathanael figured out a way to put cardboard in the socks so the mouth had better shapes. We had silly stories and plays the sock puppets were able to put on.
Everyone had a different voice for their sock puppets...
No, Dad and Michael and Benjamin did not participate, but they had other things to do.
Silly kids.
It was fun. Jules was interested, too.
Ginny just photo-bombed.

Samuel's puppet.

Juliana's puppet.

Apparently, Christopher's puppet is a CANNIBAL. wow.