Michael looking a little startled. He took this himself... and this is BEFORE he checked his messages on his phone and found out he got accepted to BYU!
(he found out a week before that he was accepted to BYU-Idaho, but wanted to know about Provo before telling anyone!)
Silly kids.
Pictures of the temple. We were up at the church for the evening taking kids to Scouts, Young Women, Prospective Elders class, Cub Scouts, etc. Tom usually takes everyone but he was in Pennsylvania for 3 days...

The rest of us walked around the temple a few times, talked to the temple matron, enjoyed the sunset. It was a nice evening.
Here's your faith promoting story for the evening. Christopher is wearing a CTR ring here, right? This was early in the walk. Well, right after Timothy was done with Cub Scouts but we were still waiting for the other kids, Christopher suddenly realized he didn't have his CTR ring anymore. You can see it's dark, right? I thought, there is no way we are going to find it. However, we went over every inch of gravel he says he lost it in. Twice. We walked up and down the sidewalk 4 times. I was about 50 feet away checking one place with the girls in the stroller and Timothy, Christopher, Liberty and Samuel were just losing hope but still trying. I looked at them and said a prayer. I literally, just stood there and said, Please, if it's possible, Heavenly Father, let them find the ring and know you helped them find it. As I said Amen, they looked down, literally right then, and jumped up with the ring. And I told them that this happened. So there you go. Faith on behalf of my children and their faith can work miracles. The CTR ring is found.