Samuel's 11th birthday!
He was so thrilled that his new panda bear came in the mail. (favorite animal). Yes, we're watching Piano Guys in the background.
This one.
Birthday cake. More of a sandwich haha. It was yummy.
It's too bad we had to clean up so much of it as stomach flu came through shortly after... Ginny is having spice cake. I don't want to see chocolate cake again for a while.
Can't you tell he's thrilled?
Silly cat card.

Haha, another panda!

Percy Jackson books.
Another of the Harry Potter books. :)

Yummy tradition!

And... addition to his Snap Circuits. It's a case for all of them! He got some for Christmas, got some more with Christmas money, got some more by earning money around the house... another electronics lover in the house.
Yep, he's 11! The eleven candles prove it.
We're glad to have this kiddo in our family. We love his quirky sense of humor and his fun impressions. We love his quiet side and his crazy side. He's a good big brother and a huge tease. He's smart and cute, too. He'll get me for that, someday.