What ISN'T there to laugh about in a house with 9 people living in it? All different ages, tastes, opinions, senses of humor?
Whether it is laughing at the 7 month old's face as he smooshes a pea, or the nearly 12 year old laughing at a pun he'd just understood from mom, we're full of laughter. Or giggles. Or grins. Or all of the above.
We aren't laughing at each other, we laugh together and I think it brings us closer every day. We watch movies together whether it is Pooh (yes there are funny parts for those of us older than 3), Wall-E (yesterday!) or Lord of the Rings.
It isn't crude or inappropriate humor either, though the 3 and 5 year olds get off on potty humor at times. I think that's just the nature of little boys. Ah, to go off in gales of laughter at the word "poop".
And then there's the ringleader. Maybe that's usually Dad, but sometimes it's 10 year old Benjamin.
Maybe you can just tell from this photo...
Now, is this really a family who takes themselves too serious-ly? Even Timothy can't get enough of figuring out his Dad... and Mom... and the car, covered in spiders... so he wasn't looking at the camera.
Try again...
So, we amuse our selves. We also play games together, entertain each other, and read together.
From the Proclamation on the family, given by a modern day Prophet of God, we read "Successful marriages and families are established and maintained on principles of faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work, and wholesome recreational activities." Not that we don't work hard at the rest, but we are getting this in too, and laughing together often.
Get to know us.
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