Which usually means ornaments coming off the tree, packages waiting to out in the mail... Little People Nativity set spread all over the house (hey, at least the kids know who goes where!), secrets being kept (mostly) and good smells of cookies... wait, I haven't baked any yet. School stuff finishing up (yeah, homeschoolers get vacations too!) Christmas music and movies, Christmas countdowns on the wall...
(we have 4 of them from the Friend going right now... it gets to be a lot but it definitely has helped our family focus!)
Here are the links...
Benjamin and Samuel picked THIS one.
Michael picked THIS one to do with Christopher. Our family has done this one before. You also need this page.
Timothy didn't really care, but we think he's doing this one with Emilie. This is one we put on cardboard and do every year.
Nathanael is doing the one from this year's Friend, with Dad's help. Here is the link if you would like to print it.
Another idea is to look at past December's Friends and look through the table of contents.
I love that the Church magazines are online.
Last night was Family Home Evening. We didn't really do anything Christmas related but played the game from last month's Friend and read scriptures together. Treat was M&Ms :)
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