(Tom was literally home all of 5, maybe 6 minutes when Benjamin came in crying and gushing blood...)
We actually celebrated Tom's birthday the day before. The dirt and worms "cake" (remember, our oven is currently missing a part, yet to be ordered...)
Share, Tom.
Mmmmm, worms.
Then Benjamin didn't even do a jump and still managed to have a bike accident... turning. At least he was wearing his helmet. Here he is, post ER trip, 5 xrays and lots of time. Nothing broken! And Mom could not go with him to get xrays... but he did great.
Sans bandages. He is down to just a bandaid now, a week later. We need to get him a new helmet. He did not have to have stitches, but only because there was not enough skin to stitch together...
Birthday season is over, at least this one... (We have a Spring birthday rush... 4 birthdays in about 3 weeks- Nathanael, Christopher, Emilie and Tom... and then Fall, not so rushed... Benjamin in early October, Timothy and Michael in November but 2 weeks apart... though this new baby is due right before Timothy's 3rd birthday.)
We have Mom in December and Samuel in January and Joseph in July... we're the odd ones out?
Anyway... birthdays are done til July and October :)