but Valencic baby 9 is on the way!
Our family adventure continues :) Christopher and this baby will be 19 months apart. Timothy will turn 3 right after this baby is born... and Michael will be 13 later that month.
We did find out we were NOT as far along as we thought. This is unfortunate, but good information to have. While we thought we were due mid October, this has been changed to early November. November 5th, to be exact. Another November baby... we've done this before. Or as Aunt Sherri predicts, a Halloween baby.
And here's the first photo op of our little beanie baby. He/she is already nicknamed "Rufus" after the hairless mole rat of Kim Possible fame, by Auntie Amanda.

Many many friends and family are "thinking pink" because Emilie will be 9 in 7 short days and family history is rooting for a girl. Aunt Sherri was 9 (or close enough) when she got her sister (me). The other 7 siblings are all brothers. Aunt Amanda was 9 when she got her baby sister (Ariana). The other 6 siblings are brothers. These kids have a LOT of uncles. This baby already has 7 brothers... and since Emilie has heard this story over and over again... she is hoping even more for a girl.
However, if this is a boy, she says she will be sad but love him anyway.
Either way, too early to tell. Wait until June and we'll probably find out.
Oh my goodness, I missed this by a week because my computer was down (reason will be posted on my blog sometime this weekend). Wow! Congrats!! How exciting. We will be thinking pink for Emilie.