Nathanael is our amazing 6 year old. He was born in the middle of the night in a small town hospital in southeastern Ohio, 6 years ago... ask me about it sometime haha.
Here he is with Samuel on a day they decided they needed to match. (Aunt Sherri bought these shirts for Michael and Benjamin, and yes, they are still in good shape lol!)
Nathanael has been reading for a year now, and loves to read the scriptures with the family. He also reads books but not as much as he likes reading aloud. He will read to Samuel (who is figuring out how to read, too now) and Timothy and Christopher, who all love it.
He reads books about planets and weather and animals and numbers. He says he is in 1st grade because he finished his Kindergarten books. Good enough for me.
He loves science and the Magic School Bus. He is a lot like Michael at this age in some ways, in other ways he is definitely his own person! He likes being a big brother and sleeping on the top bunk now.
He has "shark teeth" meaning he has his adult teeth coming in before his baby teeth are out... he hasn't lost any teeth yet but needs to soon!
His favorite things right now are Batman, Batman, and Batman... he had a Batman cake for his birthday, with a Batman candle from Aunt Sherri, and he loves fruit. For his birthday dinner we had blueberry pancakes :) and banana cake.
Here are some pictures from his birthday. He wanted to wear his Batman pajamas from Christmas for his birthday "party" with our family. He also loves Legos... that is a Lego Batman shirt (his new favorite) and Lego Star Wars Pajamas. He likes playing these games on our Playstation 2, as well as any computer game on the computer and word searches anywhere. He loves figuring stuff out! Happy Birthday Nathanael!
Happy birthday Nathanael! Sounds like he had a great day!