Thursday, June 18, 2009

Halfway! And baby is a...

Profile view of baby's head. You can see forehead, nose, lips, and chest.

Front view of face and belly.


Which is odd for our family but Emilie is thrilled!

Tom's sisters are 9 years apart. My sister and I are 9 years apart.

So the ultrasound tech thought that was so cool she had the other ultrasound tech come give us a second opinion... not that she wasn't sure but she wanted us to be.

In fact, if baby turns out to be a boy after all the looking we did and ZERO boy parts, 100% girl parts, she offered to babysit our other children and send us to dinner... but it's not going to happen.

And, we're half way. 20 more weeks!


  1. We are happy for Emilie that she is getting a sister! Yay!

  2. So should we still call her "Rufus", or should she get a more feminine nickname? My sister-in-law Erin has suggested "Rufustina".
