He did a great job blowing out his candles (he'd just watched Nathanael do this the day before...)
Our typical two year old look... why oh why did you set the cake on fire? But he was good with the whole thing after a bit.
Buzz Lightyear presents! yay!
I'm all over this, Dad.
Bumps and bruises...
Pirate boy?
Gangsta style? Do his brothers dress him or something?
Obviously a man of many names... now he's Super Duck... that's one of Liberty's bibs. It also squeaks.
Hi Mom!
Christopher is our big 2 year old now! A month ago tomorrow he turned 2. He doesn't say much but now that Timothy is talking (his partner in crime) he is certainly trying to express himself verbally. His favorite thing to say right now is "ummm.... yeah!"
He still speaks a sort of twin like language with Timothy, especially when they are upset or have some game going between the two of them. He also says ball, some colors, empty, wa-wa, Mom, Dad, Michael (mo-co), car, train, vroom, and other things extremely important to 2 year olds. Like "goggie". He also knows farm animal sounds and some other animal sounds. He's good at roaring and for a while there, even butterflies roared if you asked him.
He is sort of shy but if you get to know him he has the cutest grin for you.
We love our Christopher! So glad he came to us 2 years ago.. (and a month)
What a cutie! Happy Birthday!