Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March 26th 366 challenge


Happy 9th Birthday to Nathanael!  A CAT scan and a concussion for you.

All is well, but we had to take him to the ER after he couldn't remember what happened and was throwing up.  He slipped in some water on the floor, smacked his head really well, and then had no idea why I had him lay down for a while.  There were no obvious signs of injury so I wasn't worried until he was confused... I tried calling our doctor's office, who sent me on to call urgent care, who sent me on to a Nurse line, who told me to get him to the ER.  So this 9 month pregnant woman spent 4 hours in an ER and they all kept looking at me for some reason...  Nathanael took it all in stride and wanted to make sure they saved some of his birthday dinner for him.  We'll celebrate more today... which happens to be Christopher's birthday.

1 comment:

  1. HOLY COW!!!! That is a really big deal!!

    Happy birthday anyway, Nathanael! Glad you're okay . . . and that your mom is okay, too!
