Here is baby's profile...
GIRL! Yes, that's 3 girls in a row. So, in about 13 years or so we'll have 3 teenage girls at once... ack!
Everything is measuring right on for a due date of February 6th, and baby is a miracle, complete and perfectly formed. Even if anything was wrong :) that's the case. Of course. No, she didn't flip us off like Liberty or give us a thumbs up like Juliana, but she was there, and that's good enough.
Tom got to see her better than I could, because for some reason this ultrasound tech had the screen turned away from me (which has only happened when I was miscarrying, so I was NOT happy.) However, I did get to see my baby for a little bit, and I get to feel her move all the time.
20 more weeks til we hold this new little person. I can wait. I have way too much to do before she gets here!