Last Wednesday we finally got to meet Liberty Rose... not that she was late or anything, it's just that I had been in labor, literally, not just "felt like" I was in labor, for the entire month of October. As in, we had stuff ready for delivery at home, in the car, or for the quick trip to the hospital from the end of September on, and with good reason.
There were at least 6 separate evenings/afternoons where we thought we were going to the hospital and several nights where I would be ready to wake Tom up to get ready to leave only to have labor stop. And there was progress, but obviously no baby. Every week our doctor would say, I don't think we'll see you next week... haha.
We scheduled an induction for October 23rd, thinking we were ready, only to have illness hit our family with a vengeance... mine going into sinus and ear infections and who knows what else. It was not the flu, but everyone except Tom got very ill with fever, cough, and congestion. It took me a week and a half to start feeling decent again (we cancelled the induction). Baby Liberty stayed put and we were glad she did. We even made it through Halloween without a baby.
The next Monday we again scheduled an induction for Friday, November 6th. Wednesday November 4th I was having a rough afternoon (this was nothing new, happened several times a week all through October lol) and told Tom when he got home that I wondered whether or not he should go to scouts with the kids or not. I went to bed for a while, uncomfortable and kind of grumpy. He chose not to go. At 8 pm I started feeling contractions and wondered if this was finally the night... by 8:30 we wondered if they were going to stop like every other time so far LOL. Tom got the younger kids in bed. By 9 I was telling Tom we should get ready to go. Tom got the older kids in bed, gave Michael the phone and had him sleep on the couch, and we left for the hospital around 9:15.
We got to the hospital about 9:25 or so. It took a few minutes to cross the parking lot as I needed to stop and wait through contractions. Same thing through the lobby and over to the elevators. They offered me a wheelchair but I declined. Then down the hall to Labor and Delivery... they saw me coming LOL. (we had called ahead and my doctor knew I was on the way, with my 9th child, with fast labors) I got into hospital garb and they took their time about checking me, sometime before 10 I guess they checked and found that I was complete... first time they checked...
My doctor got there and they decided they wanted an IV put in before we broke my water. So... three tries later and lots of bruises, no dice. They gave up at that point, at least... doctor broke my water, time to push, everything happened all at once and with one push Liberty Rose Valencic was born at 10:28... they were talking about 8 10 and I wasn't quiet clear yet and said oh, ok, that's how much Joseph weighed... duh, those were the Apgar scores LOL... but then they brought her back after weighing and she weighed.... tada... 8 lbs 10 oz rofl. 20 1/2 inches long, and beautiful.
So, less than an hour at the hospital and baby was born, pretty typical for us lol. I was happy to avoid the induction this time around, but glad we were there at the hospital long enough for the doctor to get there.
We called Michael at home to let him know baby was born so he could let anyone know who was still awake... Tom stayed long enough for them to get me and baby settled and he went home to share the news with anyone we hadn't called yet via email etc.
:) I have to say we are VERY glad she is finally here. There were those days I thought I would be pregnant forever.
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