Timothy had a birthday :) He turned three on November 10th. He is our other early November birthday, meaning I was hoping to have him before Halloween, haha. He is growing so fast! Here he is opening a "Screaming Banshee" truck from Cars, the Pixar movie. He still loves cars and anything with wheels.
He got the hang of opening presents pretty quick. He loves being the center of attention, loved getting presents and being sung to, and having fun with everyone reminding him he was three. He learned how to show three on his fingers and said that he was three all day. He is just starting to talk much and he had a lot to say on his birthday.
Here we are all singing "Happy Birthday" to Timothy and you can see his happy face. He loves his cake. He talked about it all day. Birthday cake pretty much covers it.
He knew what to do with those candles! He blew them right out. He didn't need even one little bit of help or a reminder of what to do.
Happy birthday to our Timothy! Big boy! We love having Timothy in our family. It's rough some days with him not talking and able to tell us what is going on in his mind, but he tries hard to let us know what is going on with him. His favorite foods are pancakes, sandwiches and chocolate milk. And of course, birthday cake. He also loves bananas.
He loves his new baby sister and also plays an "echo" game with Christopher, usually when we'd like them to both be quiet like at bedtime or at church. He likes Winnie the Pooh still but really likes Benjamin's new Voltron dvd collection and then goes and makes a Voltron out of Duplo blocks.
Timothy is a joy to have around, usually ready to smile and give every one hugs.
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