We received a package a few weeks ago with a "Hazardous Materials" sticker on it. This was our Soda Stream machine.
Here's the box of the Soda Stream itself... it says, 3 easy steps to enjoy fresh, fizzy soda in seconds. 1. Fill. 2. Fizz. 3. Flavor. Enjoy.
Their main "selling points" are "No lugging" (cans, bottles from the store). "No storage" (no storing a bunch of stuff and no big 12 packs taking a lot of room.) "No empties" so no big recycling bin full of cans or bottles (or in the garbage) and last, "Great Value!" Now, we've found it to be about the same as a 2 liter of the cheapest stuff from Walmart, when you consider everything, but that works for us! No running to the store last minute for stuff for root beer floats, no planning a trip to get some soda for a birthday... not that we drink much soda at all, but it is a nice treat, and even nicer with this set. It also makes sparkling water, flavored or unflavored. There are caffeinated flavors and energy drinks, but we don't drink any of that stuff, period. I just wanted to make sure anyone reading this knew it was available.
It comes with one canister of carbon dioxide (explains the hazardous materials thing) which is enough to carbonate 60 liters. It also comes with 1 liter bottle. We have since bought 2 more bottles and 2 bottles of flavoring. Before we found where to buy it, we made sparkling lemonade.
And here it is! No batteries, no power, just this.
You press it repeatedly until, instead of just bubbles, you hear a loud buzzing noise 3 times.
Here is the canister. It was really easy to put in.
You need a license, apparently.
Chill your bottle of water first. I am not sure if it HAS to be chilled, but it sure tastes good. It says on the bottle to only carbonate water, add flavoring after. The bottle is BPA free. It also should not be washed in hot water or in the dishwasher, but it is really easy to clean so no biggie. I think it will damage the plastic (which would be bad for putting pressurized materials into it later...)
For my machine, you tilt the spigot, screw the bottle on, and then 'untilt' it. Watch the video to see what happens next!
Fizzy water! I was putting it into a pitcher to then add lemonade mixings... here's 1 liter of fizzy water...
And here's one liter of fizzy lemonade! Delicious!
Please visit http://www.sodastreamusa.com to learn more, or click on my link below. This is so easy, so fun, and there are a lot of deals available. The canisters can be exchanged for refills instead of constantly buying new ones. The exchanged tanks are half the price. I would still like to have a 'spare' on hand. There is a great variety of flavors, as well. Check it out!
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