Turning 12 in our church is a special time. You get to go to Young Men's or Young Women's weekly activities, you are no longer with the younger kids in Primary, and as a boy, you have a special opportunity to receive the Priesthood. To learn more, click here and visit Mormon.org for a short explanation. He is very proud of his accomplishments and is being very responsible.
Benjamin is our 2nd son. He seems to have to follow in Michael's footsteps a lot. However, he is definitely his own person. He was the first to learn to ride a bike. He was also the first our children to visit the ER as a result of an injury. (his face is looking loads better.) He tans easily, and has done so since a small baby, so he looks a little different than a lot of the other kids who take after me in sunburns.
He loves babies and is a huge help with his younger brothers and baby sister. He loves to read, and his favorite books are the 39 clues and anything by Rick Riordan (Percy Jackson series). He is also reading Eragon and the Inheritance series by Christopher Paolini. Rangers Apprentice books are also something he enjoys.
He saved his money and bought a used Gameboy on eBay earlier this year and has had a lot of fun with that.
He is a Boy Scout, and while he hasn't earned any ranks yet other than Scout, the upheaval with moving and such should have settled down soon and he'll be recognized for his work.
He is in 6th grade and doing well in his homeschool work. He and Emilie are preparing for the upcoming Geography Bee in December.
His birthday was fun... he asked for (and somehow received... still under protest from Dad who thought the present should have been fed to the snake) a dwarf hamster who he has named Cedric. The picture is of him opening the tank and all the stuff for said hamster. Fun addition to the family and he is very responsible in caring for Cedric.
We are very proud to have Benjamin as part of our family. I don't know what we'd do without him.
For those of you who might be wondering, I'm trying to catch up on the blog and I'm trying to post SOMETHING every day. Some of my friends are truly inspiring me.
And maybe once I get that underway I will work on our family website... according to which I'm still pregnant with Christopher.
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