Our adventure this week is another trip to the ER. I say another because every time I tell someone we have 7 (6 living) boys, they ask how many times someone has broken an arm, etc, and gone to the ER. We've now been to the ER a total of 4 times. Twice for Nathanael (as a baby he got dehydrated exactly one week before Samuel was born, and then again for the cut on his cheek 2 years ago October...) once for Benjamin with the big bike accident April 2009... when I was pregnant with Liberty and couldn't go with him to Xrays... and now Samuel with pneumonia.
At least it was early stages... we were able to come home and treat him with breathing treatments, an inhaler, steroids, an antibiotic, and fever meds. You'd never know he was sick other than his voice.
It also helped that the hospital was only a few minutes away. We live minutes from the North Kansas City hospital.
Most of the family has bronchitis, but when Samuel was crying trying to breathe we ran... it came on suddenly. We are in the process of keeping everyone else breathing too. We are preemptively bringing Liberty into the doctor when Samuel has his followup.
Benjamin was the first to get sick a week and a half ago, it went through Emilie, then Michael, then Emilie again (we brought her to Urgent Care where she got antibiotics and breathing treatments), and then Samuel. Timothy and Christopher both aren't feeling well, then Liberty got sick and now Nathanael, but everyone still seems to be doing ok and not needing anything urgent in their care. I am still glad I am in the process of finding a pediatrician so we have someone to ask or talk to about these things.
Having had 9 children gives a lot of experience knowing when to get a child in to be seen... and even more when it comes to emergencies.
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