We had a vacation this year and went to Utah to see family and friends, give Michael a taste of college, and just enjoy time away from Texas. We hadn't been to Utah for any amount of time in the last few years so it was a good time. (in 2005 we came to see family, Samuel was 1 year old... he's 5 now... in 2006 we bought a house and had Timothy... in 2007 we stayed home... in 2008 we went to California and came home through Utah... in 2009 we went to Illinois via Arkansas and later had Liberty... so it was time to see Utah with Tom, too.)
So on April 9th we left early in the morning, drove through New Mexico (with a phone interview somewhere in the middle of the state as previously stated lol) and on to Utah. We stayed with Jeremy and Monica and their kids Zane and Myla at the house in Provo where we lived when we were first married. Saturday was spent on BYU campus seeing Tom's brothers and their wives and boys... Anton, Ashley and Jack, and Adam, Meredith, and Gregory. Christopher, Gregory and Jack were all born the same year so it was kind of fun to get them all together. We also saw Amanda and her fiance, Cameron. Along the way Timothy got lost once and we got to explore a bit. We also drove to Payson to see my parents and some of my other brothers too. (Tim, Misty and Tayla as well as Steven, Nicole, Jace and Lerek.) We got to celebrate Emilie's 10th birthday at Tim's house with a cookout (which moved indoors with rain!) and visited Temple Square, BYU campus again, Tom, Jeremy and the kids hiked to the Y, we visited family a lot and got to just spend time away from home with family and friends. It was very nice. Great weather, not too cold, but not too warm yet. (that's what's great about homeschooling, or at least another thing... we get to take our vacations when the weather is perfect!)
Enjoy the pictures of highlights of our trip!
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