Monday, February 27, 2012

February 27th 366 challenge


Only having one in diapers (trust me, that's a new thing.) has allowed us to stack stock up on diapers and combining sales to get both Liberty's size and the new baby's size.  We didn't get newborns... our babies' sizes don't usually mix with newborn size diapers.  (6 of the last 7 started out over 8 lbs... 3 of them over 8 1/2 lbs).  If baby girl is small, we can go get a pack at a time of newborns...  So here you see our tower of sizes 1 and 2 diapers, ready to last what, a week?  j/k... kind of.  My little guys (namely Christopher) is SO excited to put tiny diapers on the new baby.


  1. Wow! What a stack! Now I know what not to get you. :)

  2. And it will be amazing how fast those diapers go. We've been through so many wipes in the past month but I do have 3 in diapers.
