Saturday, August 11, 2012

August 11th 366 challenge


Quite a day today.  Baby Jules got her first tooth... and... something else happened.  Now what was it???

The picture is sure to give me a hint.  No, not his first time driving... they did two different driving Young Men's activities when he was a tiny little deacon... (12-13 year olds)... and he sat on a phone book.  No, this is his first time driving our VAN, and first time driving with his PERMIT! 



  1. Wow, Simon hasn't even cut any teeth yet, although he's been drooling FOREVER!! And way to go Michael. Oh, the fun of driving around the parking lot. It's make you feel so grown up and powerful. Congrats!

  2. Way to go Michael! Crazy how fast these kids are growing up. Teenagers here cant get permits to drive until they are 16, but that is next week for us, yikes!!
